Individuals are invited to apply for one of three (3) types of membership in AAIHCP:
- Regular: Regular membership is open to any individual who is engaged in a professional healthcare career (see below) in the United States.
Regular Membership Fee: $30 per year
- Trainee: Trainee membership is open to any individual who is actively engaged in a training program or pathway (in the United States) targeting a professional healthcare career (see below) in the United States. [Medical residencies and/or fellowships (and/or similar required, post-graduate, pre-licensure practical training) qualify as "training" for the purposes of this membership type.]
Trainee Membership Fee: $10 per year
- Associate: Associate membership is open to any individual who is not otherwise eligible for Regular or Trainee member but who is interested in supporting those engaged in and/or pursuing professional healthcare careers in the United States.
Associate Membership Fee: $30 per year
AAIHCP defines a "professional healthcare career" as an occupation which aims to provide and/or support the delivery of medical care (meaning those efforts made to maintain and/or restore physical, mental, and/or emotional well-being) to individuals and/or to a community, practiced by an individual who has…
- 1) Completed specialized education and/or practical training
- 2) Earned an Associate's degree (or the equivalent) or higher, thru such education and/or training
- 3) Been awarded either a License to Practice and/or a Professional Certification by a nationally recognized authority
This includes those careers generally known as the "allied healthcare professions" as well as healthcare administration and population/community health menagemenr (aka public health).
† Note: AAIHCP reserves the right to make changes to membership types, membership fees, membership eligibility, and/or membership benefits from time to time.